Sunday, February 25, 2007

Don't Forget to Breathe!

Inhale, Exhale, Repeat.

It seems like breathing shouldn't be anything worth talking about, since everyone does it...
The problem is that many people breathe shallow breaths, and keep their upper body constricted. Deep breaths can be cleansing, and help you to relax.

When people are upset, angry, or afraid, their breathing is usually shallow, rapid, and maybe even a little noisy. When people are relaxed, their breathing is deep, slow, and quiet.

Just taking a few deep breaths can help you to feel a little less stress in your day. Every hour or two throughout your day, just take a few deep breaths and you should notice a positive difference.

There is a lot written about breathing properly and the benefits that it will bring to your life. A good first step is to simply to be aware of your breathing, and to strive to take a few deep breaths throughout your day.

To your health!


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