Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Hope Is A Wonderful Thing

Bad news is easy to find.

Another vet commits suicide.

Another vet gets arrested.

Another vet loses control.

These and other dramatic and traumatic events happen routinely. Yet those who are healing rarely just suddenly wake up "All Better." Instead, they generally improve gradually, a little each day. They'll even have ups and downs, but you can maintain hope and recover.

Often, the lack of hope is a real factor for those who are suffering with PTSD and other trauma issues. You may feel that you are "broken," and can't be repaired. You may feel that the relationships that you've had will never be the same.

You may miss friends that you lost in combat, and you may suffer in so many ways.

Hope can help. There are a variety of methods to deal with these issues. No one method can guarantee a quick fix, but many technigues can help people speed the process of healing. Certainly, those without hope will have a harder time dealing with their afflictions.

Hope is a key to health. Each day is another opportunity to live again, to cope a little better, and to heal a little more.

Maintain Hope. Guard it like a precious jewel. Write down five things that went well in a success journal. As you focus each day on what has gone right, you'll discover that things flow more easily for you.

To your healing!


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