Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Take Time To Be

To be, or not to be?

So many times we are trying to do things and be things that may seem unnatural to us.

It's important to ask ourselves some questions...

What do I really want?

What keeps me from having that?

What would propel me forward?

If you knew that you could achieve your desires, would you pursue them?

These types of questions can be asked in almost any context, and can provide you with some valuable insight if you truly think about them.

For example, if you want to be rid of anxiety, your combat memories may keep you from being able to relax fully. Perhaps some method of taking the emotional charge out of those memories could propel you forward.

If you thought it would work, would you try it?

Take time to ask yourself these questions. Be yourself, and then allow positive change into your life.

To your healing!


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