Monday, March 5, 2007

"It's A New Technique... "

I was talking with a social worker/psychologist today about various ways to help people suffering from trauma, anxiety, or PTSD. We discussed the difficulties that some of our troops face as they confront these challenges.

She discussed a therapy technique that she thought would be useful, using computers and a biofeedback type system to help train the mind to control anxiety and to maintain healthy brainwaves. Unfortunately, the equipment is expensive, and requires training.

She said, "It's a new technique. Not many therapists are trained in it."

I asked how long it's been around. She replied, "Ten years."

I literally smacked myself in the forehead. Ten years is too late for so many of our troops. They need help now.

One young Marine that a friend of mine is helping lives in his truck and self medicates with alcohol between his therapy sessions. He's making no real progress and losing hope...

The recent articles about Walter Reed have brought this issue to the forefront, but it's not going away soon. The conventional therapies and techniques used can work for people, but they are often expensive, time consuming, and are too little too late for our troops. Our Marine friend needs more help than he's getting.

While we'll make no claims to "cure" anyone outright, we plan to provide techniques to help people make a positive difference in their lives right away. The healing power is within us all.

To your healing,


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