Monday, June 25, 2007
Where the heck have I been?
Fixing things around the house.
Getting new orders.
Moving halfway across the country.
Coordinating technical and design support to produce a better site.
Making business partnerships.
Talking to professionals.
Writing letters to deployed troops... one at a time.
I'm now in my new place, computers are set up, and you'll be hearing and seeing a lot more from me.
For Now,
God Bless!
To your healing!
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Surrounded by Love
These people love and respect the troops in the deepest way. Veterans, parents, and spouses are all in attendance.
The conference is full of people who are actively involved in supporting our troops both in theater and at home.
No matter where you are in this military community, know that you are loved, respected, and supported. The sponsors of the event have really put it together.
We heard from the father of a fallen soldier and felt his love and support. You can read more about his story on Andi's World.
The conference and the support will continue.
To your healing!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Another Brave Soldier's Story
Rank doesn't matter.
CSM Sam Rhodes wrote a story that appeared in the Catoosa County News.
It's valuable for understanding various aspects of what our troops are facing, and even how we may be able to help.
After serving in the Middle East for approximately 30 months the thoughts and reminders come and go ever so often and you really cannot acknowledge them.
It’s tough acknowledging them to your peers or superiors without concerns that they may see you as weak or think bad about you.
Yes, these where the toughest times as I transitioned from constant deployment to the duties of a Brigade CSM (command sergeant major).
I continued to embody all those traits and the character that I thought kept me and most of all my soldiers alive for 32 months in the Middle East in my everyday work habits. The 192 Infantry Brigade could not be doing better.
Unfortunately for most of the first nine months little did anyone realize that their Brigade CSM was not doing that well at all.
Read more at the link. It's worth the time.
To your healing!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Another Vet's Story.
I found a powerful story online that shows one man's struggle. Of course, many are facing the same demons. On Being Home is the title.
It’s not that loud noises terrify me. It’s just that I don’t respond appropriately to them. My heart goes off like a Led Zeppelin drum solo, my diaphragm sprints, pulling-in far more oxygen than I need, and I want to fight back. But there is no one to fight, there is nowhere to go, nothing to do. I’m supposed to just go on normally, but my body doesn’t know that and though I tell it, sometimes it takes a while for it to listen. There was a time, when a noise that didn’t belong was heard, people looked at me for some leadership, they wanted me to tell them where to go, and what to do; now they just look and think: who is the weirdo hyperventilating at the bar because a waitress dropped a tray. This woman I see at the Vet Center said that the body can reabsorb adrenaline in five to ten minutes. She said to control my breathing and concentrate on something else and remind myself that I really am normal. It works. She is a very smart lady.
This reminds me of a wise friend's comments. He basically said that the veterans need to re-learn appropriate responses to everyday life.
The good news is that these problems are slowly becoming more well known, and more resources should become available to help.
To your healing,
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
My Own Reintegration Has Begun
I've been fortunate, and have been able to see my family about 3 or 4 days every 6 weeks.
Even so, getting readjusted to family life has its challenges...
New priorities and old projects are still waiting to be tackled.
Be back on point soon.
To your Healing!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
VA Unable To Keep Up
Unfortunately, they often don't have the people or resources to meet all of the needs of the veterans.
An Associated Press article in the Marine Corps Times had some alarming statistics, and some warnings about the long term effects of PTSD or trauma.
According to the Pentagon and several independent studies, at least a third of the troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan suffer some level of mental illness. By some estimates, a fifth of those 1.5 million veterans will, like Griego, develop post-traumatic stress disorder.
Of the 2,000 veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan so far enrolled at the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Albuquerque, between 25 and 30 percent are receiving mental health services, hospital officials say.
Unfortunately, though the demand is great, the entiresystem is unable to cope:
A congressional investigation released late last year found that VA had failed to spend much of a $300 million appropriation designed to fill gaps in mental health care, and some of what it did spend went in other directions.
A Navy commander said at a congressional hearing that 90 percent of the military mental health care providers he surveyed weren’t trained to treat PTSD.
It's a tough situation, but the fact remains that the veterans need to seek the help that they need. You can't be helped unless you're willing to work at it.
To your healing.
Monday, March 26, 2007
A Quiz With A Twist?
It asked a variety of questions about where I was stationed, for how long, what job duties did I perform, etc... It asked about how many times I visited a doctor, and reasons why.
So far, it all seemed to be right in line with what I would expect on a medical survey, but then the other questions began.
Did you see anyone wounded, killed or dead during this deployment?
Were you engaged in direct combat where you discharged your weapon?
It then asked specifically about symptoms associated with suicide, PTSD, and other anxiety issues. For example, "In the past month have you felt numb or detached from others, activities and your surroundings?"
It then asks about exposure to various chemicals and hazardous situations.
On the surface, it seems like a fair set of questions to ask if you want to detect someone dealing with issues or at greater risk from various exposures...
I have two concerns:
One, that a young soldier dealing with issues internally may falsely answer the questions and not get the help that they really need for fear of looking bad... In other words, the survey could be used to justify not taking the time to talk to each soldier...
Two, that the Army could or would bring this survey up later to defend against granting benefits to a soldier whose issues emerge later... " Why is Private Smith claiming that he suffers from nightmares now when his post-deployment survey showed that he didn't have any nightmares when he left the service?"
Ultimately, I think it's important for everyone in the system to deal honestly with each other. A soldier who has nightmares or other exposures should honestly answer the questions, and shouldn't hold back. (e.g. "I won't answer yes to the nightmares question because I don't have them often... Besides, I don't want to talk about it, I want to go home...")
Secondly, it looks like the Army needs to be VERY careful about how they use the information provided on the forms... They need to heal those who have been wounded in the service of our country.
To your healing.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
A Few Days Too Late
Through Soldier's Angels, she had heard that he was there. I had a few busy days planned, so I decided to visit him Sunday evening. It's a bit of a drive across town, but I found it soon enough, and entered the installation.
He was staying in the "hotel" on the base, but unfortunately had checked out the day before I got the e-mail...
I hope he made it home ok, to loved ones who are grateful to have him. I pray that he is strengthened to overcome his new physical challenge.
Most importantly, I pray for his soul and his outlook to be positive.
Since I was there, I went into the lounge to see if anyone was just sitting around and could use someone to talk to. There were several soldiers there, chatting with friends or playing video games. (They had a video Basketball tournament going on...)
It actually seemed peaceful... But I was in the hotel, and the troops there were soon to be on their way home. I'm sure that some of our other veterans aren't in as good moods...
It was dark, and the installation was quiet as I returned to my car.
I thought about that soldier as I drove home.
I don't know him.
But I miss him.
To your healing.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Things are looking good.
I also came across this powerful and moving video in my internet travels today.
It honors one of our fallen warriors, and is worth watching.
To your healing!
Friday, March 23, 2007
What A Day!
Politics is at work today in DC... Go figure.
HR 1591, the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Health, and Iraq Accountability Act of 2007 is the bill that passed 218 - 212/
The bill adds $3.5 billion to funding for veterans over what the president's budget includes.
That's all well and good, but the bill is also tied to the the eventual withdrawal of our troops from Iraq by 2008. I won't debate that issue here, but I will say that tieing these issues together is a political ploy that does a disservice to our troops.
The funding should be there for our troops because there is a need, not because they want to pile it onto another issue.
You can read the entire text of HR 1591 to educate yourself on the issue.
To your healing!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
But He's Got A Great Personality...Disorder?
The article starts:
Jon Town has spent the last few years fighting two battles, one against his body, the other against the US Army. Both began in October 2004 in Ramadi, Iraq. He was standing in the doorway of his battalion's headquarters when a 107-millimeter rocket struck two feet above his head. The impact punched a piano-sized hole in the concrete facade, sparked a huge fireball and tossed the 25-year-old Army specialist to the floor, where he lay blacked out among the rubble.
"The next thing I remember is waking up on the ground." Men from his unit had gathered around his body and were screaming his name. "They started shaking me. But I was numb all over," he says. "And it's weird because... because for a few minutes you feel like you're not really there. I could see them, but I couldn't hear them. I couldn't hear anything. I started shaking because I thought I was dead."
After two more years, Town was inexplicably given a personality disorder discharge and told that he would never receive disability or medical benefits. The report alleges that this is becoming a pattern, and a way that the Army is using to save money and rapidly separate injured soldiers.
The entire article is worth reading if you know anyone suffering from these types of issues. Unfortunately, people with PTSD symptoms can be misdiagnosed if they are not careful, losing benefits and more importantly, the care that they need.
The bottom line is that our soldiers need to be educated and protected from being shafted by a few people in positions of power. Although most doctors and medical officers will do the right thing, the troops need to be aware of what they are facing and to be prepared to fight against the machine if necessary.
I think that most veterans want to be completely healed, and go on to live productive lives. Those who are disabled shouldn't have to fight blindly against the system. One resource that has been spoken highly of is The Veteran's Survival Guide - 2nd Edition
Mr. Roche used to be a claims adjudication specialist for the VA, and this book provides a step by step way to construct a legitimate claim. The Veteran's PTSD Handbook
If you're struggling with these issues, imagine how good it will feel when you have the rules of the VA system laid out in front of you. You'll feel more confident and able to pursue the benefits that you have rightfully earned.
To your healing!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Congress Unanimous?
I'd never heard of it happening.
For once though, the U.S. House of Representatives came together to pass a bill designed to reduce the number of veterans committing suicide.
The Joshua Omvig Veterans' Suicide Prevention Act was introduced by Congressman Leonard Boswell, and is in honor of Joshua Omvig, a young man from Iowa who took his own life after returning home from an 11-month tour in Iraq.
Boswell said, “With more and more veterans returning from tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, new issues have arisen regarding veterans mental health care that have not received attention in the past.”
“Some estimates have found that almost one thousand veterans receiving care from the Department of Veterans Affairs commit suicide each year and one out of five suicides in the United States is a veteran. We must do better for our veterans, and I believe this legislation is a step in the right direction.”
This bill requires patients at Veterans Administration hospitals to be screened for suicide risk factors. It also requires the medical centers to designate suicide prevention counselors and provide other types of outreach. They'll also be establishing a hotline number. A companion bill has been introduced in the senate by Iowa Senator Tom Harkin.
This is a great step, but it unfortunately may only reach those troops already in treatment for various issues. A large number of troops may need some help, but may be unwilling or unable to seek treatment at the VA.
I'm glad that they are coming together to address some of these issues. We also intend to provide resources to help our veterans.
To your healing!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Take Time To Be
So many times we are trying to do things and be things that may seem unnatural to us.
It's important to ask ourselves some questions...
What do I really want?
What keeps me from having that?
What would propel me forward?
If you knew that you could achieve your desires, would you pursue them?
These types of questions can be asked in almost any context, and can provide you with some valuable insight if you truly think about them.
For example, if you want to be rid of anxiety, your combat memories may keep you from being able to relax fully. Perhaps some method of taking the emotional charge out of those memories could propel you forward.
If you thought it would work, would you try it?
Take time to ask yourself these questions. Be yourself, and then allow positive change into your life.
To your healing!
Monday, March 19, 2007
Laughter Is Healing!
She's a comedian and very involved in Soldier's Angels, a group that supports our troops in a variety of ways.
Check out the story and the video at:
We all need to learn to laugh at the issues we face.
War experiences tend to put a lot of things into perspective.
Another friend of mine is a Vietnam Veteran. He told me that after spending days out on patrol, he came back to a firebase and laid down on the ground to rest. Someone came by and handed him an ice cold soda.
He decided to that as long he had somewhere to sit and something to drink and he was never going to complain.
To your healing.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
A Little Protest Is A Healthy Thing
People on both sides of the debate carried signs, shouted slogans, and walked around the area.
Each side had a stage from which to speak to the crowd.
I put together a video showing my viewpoint of the event.
I talked to a few vets along the way.
I hope that you enjoy it.
To Your Healing!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Two Weeks Growth Down The Drain
My Air Force buddies invited me to join them for "Mustache March" as they all started growing mustaches on the first of March.
Slowly at first, the hairs began to grow in. For two weeks, I let it grow.
I decided to shave it this morning. What had taken two weeks to grow, was cut down in one minute.
It's always that way in life. It's difficult to create, but easy to destroy.
Today, I spent a few hours in the vicinity of the Vietnam Veteran's memorial, watching the interactions of the various crowds in the area. On the east side of the monument, the Gathering of Eagles had a stage and a variety of speakers professing their love of country, their support of the troops, and their mission.
Vietnam veterans were out in force, and other veterans were in attendance.
To the west of the memorial was another group. They had a myriad of mixed messages, but they did seem united in their hatred of the Bush Administration. Drop Acid, Not Bombs. Impeach Bush.
Slowly, so very slowly, they were "marching" across the Memorial Bridge enroute to the Pentagon for their protest.
I appreciate everyone's right to state their opinion, and protest. It did seem to me that the majority of the media in the area were covering the protest, although there were a few in the "Eagles" area.
The main message of the folks supporting our troops is to complete the mission.
Just like my fledgling mustache was cut off in only a minute, they stress that our progress overseas will all be lost if we leave too soon. Those who have supported us will most likely be killed.
I hugged a few vets, and thanked many more for their service.
Our goal is to thank and help many more.
To your healing!
Friday, March 16, 2007
It Turned My Stomach
It hurt.
Today, my ribs ache.
I was talking to a couple of soldiers and mentioned that I had gotten hurt, but was hoping that I'd heal in the next few days. I was surprised by the direction that the conversation turned next.
One of the soldiers, told me to make sure that I go to the doctor and get a report of the injury in my file in case something develops from it. That's good advice, to cover my backside in case complications arise in the coming weeks.
Since I'm coming off of duty soon, the other said to "file a claim" with the VA.
I said, "Why file a claim?"
Then he said the thing that turned my stomach...
"It's like the lottery... You can't win if you don't play."
These weren't my soldiers, so I thanked them for their advice, and went on my way.
I wanted to chastise them for their attitude of trying to "game the system." I wanted to point out how that type of attitude forces the VA to go through the horrifically long procedures that they do in order to determine which injury claims are valid.
It reminded me of how many of our soldiers are stuck waiting for a determination of disability for months or even years as their paperwork works its way through the system. Meanwhile, they wait. And wait.
I have aches and pains from my service that I carry with me. That fall in 1989 that made me limp for weeks... Is the occasional pain in my hip socket related? Probably.
Some injuries can just happen, regardless of your experiences in the service.
Other injuries are clearly combat or service related. The process of determining just how disabling the injuries are takes too long and is too cumbersome for a typical injured soldier who just wants to get back home and get on with their life.
Recent interviews have repeatedly quoted former service members claiming that they signed whatever they were offered just so they could go home.
There are many resources available to help those who are truly injured get fairly treated and get through the system... We'll provide links and information about some of them in our resource guide which will be coming out soon.
To your healing!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Every Single Day
Every single day I deal with challenges.
Every single day I return safely home.
There are exceptions, but they are rare. Like last week, I didn't return safely home like I normally do. I got in my car, started up, and backed out. Just as I was shifting into drive to move out, I noticed it. Dark, Shining and wet... My car had left a puddle of oil.
I park in the same spot at home each day, so I knew that my car wasn't in the habit of dropping oil everywhere...
I immediately drove to the auto service shop on the base, and had the car put up on a lift.
A blown seal was the diagnosis, and the repairs would cost several hundred dollars.
I considered driving home, but envisioned myself with a seized engine on the middle of the freeway holding up thousands of angry commuters... I took the metro instead... And eventually got home safely, but much later than I intended.
How's this relate to trauma or PTSD? Think about it:
Just like an oil leak can drain an engine, struggling with trauma and anxiety each and every day can slowly allow the will to live to disappear. When you lose hope and you lose faith each day, the struggles become more intense. Eventually, you may "seize up" and become unable to function at all.
Adding oil to a leaking engine only delays the inevitable. Though it may keep things running for a while, you'll leave a messy trail behind you as the leak gets worse.
Many veterans are trying to "add oil" and ease their pains by drinking or doing drugs. Unfortunately, "self-medicating" doesn't lead to permanent change or relief. It becomes self destructive.
The only real "cure" is to do what needs to be done.
Fix what needs to be fixed, even if it's expensive or inconvenient. In the case of severe PTSD, it may require proper medications, counseling, therapy, and even a hospital stay.
For less severe cases, it could be learning some simple coping techniques, and learning how to feel safe at home again.
That's the goal of the Reintegration Program: To help our veterans feel welcome and safe at home.
A few of us will be on the mall in Washington DC this Saturday to hug some veterans and thank them for their service. I've started another site, to share the message throughout the country.
Every Single Day.
To your healing!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
I was talking with a friend about compassion this evening.
We talked about how we often get wrapped up in whatever project that we are working on. Sometimes, opportunities to help someone and to show compassion can be missed because we are focused on something else.
My wife demonstrated this principle to me years ago. We were on our way to visit the temple in Mesa, Arizona. We were visiting family, and were taking a side trip.
When we were just a few blocks away, I could see my destination. As we sat and waited for the light to turn green, my wife noticed a man who was carrying a box of food who looked very tired.
"He looks like he needs some help," she said. I looked over at him, leaning against a streetlight, resting in the got Arizona sun. He did look tired, and he was near a bus stop, so I said something brilliant, like, "He'll be all right, he's just waiting for a bus."
My compassionate wife insisted that we help him, even though we were only two blocks away from our destination, where we were going to learn about... Compassion...
Mildly chagrined at my single mindedness, I turned around and we asked the man if he needed a ride. He accepted, and loudly praised the Lord all the way to his home, where two young children were waiting for him to return with the food.
Our small detour didn't seem like much trouble afterwards. We still accomplished our goals for the day, and we were able to assist someone in need.
Our troops need compassion also. They need people to work with them, and care for them.
Take the opportunity to help those who cross your path. It blesses you and them both!
To your healing!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Hope Is A Wonderful Thing
Another vet commits suicide.
Another vet gets arrested.
Another vet loses control.
These and other dramatic and traumatic events happen routinely. Yet those who are healing rarely just suddenly wake up "All Better." Instead, they generally improve gradually, a little each day. They'll even have ups and downs, but you can maintain hope and recover.
Often, the lack of hope is a real factor for those who are suffering with PTSD and other trauma issues. You may feel that you are "broken," and can't be repaired. You may feel that the relationships that you've had will never be the same.
You may miss friends that you lost in combat, and you may suffer in so many ways.
Hope can help. There are a variety of methods to deal with these issues. No one method can guarantee a quick fix, but many technigues can help people speed the process of healing. Certainly, those without hope will have a harder time dealing with their afflictions.
Hope is a key to health. Each day is another opportunity to live again, to cope a little better, and to heal a little more.
Maintain Hope. Guard it like a precious jewel. Write down five things that went well in a success journal. As you focus each day on what has gone right, you'll discover that things flow more easily for you.
To your healing!
Monday, March 12, 2007
Can A Hug Help?
It inspired me to think about how I could extend the message of connection and love to our returning veterans. I thought about it for a while, and came up with an idea... was born. You can go look at it now if you want, but there's not too much to see yet. It will provide yet another way for us to spread the message of love, acceptance, and healing that the reintegration program is all about.
This Saturday, St. Patrick's Day, I'll be spending part of the day in the area of the Vietnam Memorial attending the Gathering of Eagles. At the same time, some anti-war protesters plan to do their thing.
I'm in the Army, so I have mixed feelings about the whole thing.
Where I am totally clear is that I love and support the troops who are shouldering the heaviest part of the load for the American people. I am clear that my intention is to help as many people as possible heal from the debilitating trauma issues that they face.
I'll be out, by myself or with a few friends hugging veterans and thanking them for their service and sacrifice this Saturday morning.
Let us know how we can help you.
We're generating resources and creating partnerships behind the scenes, and hope to introduce the first resource within days.
To your healing!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
What Happens When The Providers Get Tired
Here's a short excerpt... The full article is titled "To Share In The Horror."
Night is when suicidal vets usually show up at the emergency room of the San Francisco VA Medical Center. But a few weeks ago, the ER had one who came in at 10 a.m., frantic and saying he had a gun. "He was haunted, desperate," says Chad Peterson, medical director of the center's posttraumatic-stress-disorder team. "He was going to be redeployed to Iraq and said suicide was his only way out." Peterson managed to talk the man out of killing himself and into a program, but weeks later the counselor is still struggling with memories of what the man told him. "How can you sleep after something like that?" he asks. Peterson has spent thousands of hours treating vets who came home from Iraq and Afghanistan with PTSD, and their horror stories have gradually rubbed off on him. "I'll hear about the things they've seen or done, the close calls, and my pulse quickens," he says. "I'll get agitated or feel hopeless because I can't take this person's pain away."
The article goes on to discuss the issue, labled secondary PTSD, vicarious traumatization, compassion fatigue, or the Army's choice, provider fatigue.
Certainly the doctors, nurses, therapists and counselors workin with these wounded souls suffer along with them.
I'm not sure if you can imagine how difficult it can be for loved ones to deal with their wounded spouses, siblings, children or parents. The person they knew has returned in a different mental state, and often it's not one that they're comfortable with.
They suffer as well.
I've had some interesting conversations the last few days as we are assembling this program. It is truly going to be a team effort, and I appreciate those who have e-mailed to let us know what kind of help that you are looking for.
Although it always takes longer than we'd like, big things will be coming soon.
To your healing.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
A Lot to Think About
Everyone is different, had different experiences, and different reactions to those experiences.
Yet many people are also very much the same in how they process the things that have happened to them.
That's one reason that group therapy is used by many people with PTSD or trauma. In the group, as people share their experiences, they can begin their personal healing, and also provide insight to those around them.
They are not alone, but surrounded by people who truly understand what they have been through. They recieve empathy, compassion, and even love that they may not find easily out in the world.
The key point is that you are not alone. For most people, the reactions that they are having are normal reactions to abnormal events. War is an abnormal thing, no matter how often it occurs.
People often feel guilt, remorse, or even shock when they consider what they did or what happened to them and their friends throughout the course of the war.
We're asking the questions... What do you need to let go of? What do you need to learn to do?
What do you want to achieve?
We'd like to ask you about your experiences, and how we can best help you.
Send me an e-mail, and I'll give you a call. Let's talk.
To Your Healing!
Friday, March 9, 2007
I Didn't Think It Could Happen To Me...

Thursday, March 8, 2007
Rocky Mountain High
"When Iraq veteran Jessica Rich was killed in a collision driving the wrong way on Interstate 25 last month, the Fort Carson Army reservist was undergoing therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder - after having been on a waiting list for more than a year. "
In 2005, Pfc. Stephen Sherwood, on leave from Iraq, killed his wife and himself days after returning to Fort Carson. He had been a "stellar soldier."
Returning from an overseas tour or from combat is going to be stressful no matter how you do it. The fact remains that obtaining care in a timely manner is key to beginning to make progress.
PTSD is being called the invisible but most widespread wound suffered by perhaps tens of thousands of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. The cause can be emotional or stem from injuries caused by explosives jarring delicate brain tissue. The injuries later manifest themselves in such symptoms as depression, suicidal tendencies, nightmares, anxiety and flashbacks.
We need to ensure that our government provides the appropriate care for our troops who need the most intensive treatment. Unfortunately, if the best care is only available after months of waiting, it may be too late.
We'll be exploring the current methods used by the government to treat PTSD and trauma, along with a variety of alternatives. Keep watching, 'cause good things are coming!
To your healing.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Let's Review.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates said, “after the war itself, fixing the problems associated with the care of our wounded is possibly our highest priority.”
President Bush also promised to support a program to support our wounded warriors. He said, "I am concerned that soldiers and their families are not getting the treatment that they deserve having volunteered to defend our country."
I'm confident that their review will show plenty of issues that need to be addressed. Hopefully, they'll make some massive progress and help our veterans. Realistically, I think it'll be a long slow typical government process, even with the additional focus and media attention.
We'll help along the way.
To your healing!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
So, How's The Family?
A returning service member may find it difficult to trust and be close to others, cutting off their families. Troops having anger issues be difficult to relate to, and cause a dynamic of fear to enter family life.
Veterans may focus on trying to keep everyone safe, and lose interest in activities that they may have enjoyed previously. They may become distant from their spouse, parents, siblings and friends.
Family members then inherit many of these tendencies by default. Even if they feel hurt or depressed because of the painful situation, they may be reluctant to seek help themselves. They may want to avoid bring up the painful subject, or just avoid the veteran's reaction.
Bottom line is that the family members can grow apart from the service member if they're not careful. It's important for families to stick together as much as possible to assist the veteran, help him/her adjust, and often just provide a sense of companionship and belonging.
If you have a veteran suffering from these issues, find out what you can do to help.
It may be therapy for them and you will get you on the right track.
To your healing.
Monday, March 5, 2007
"It's A New Technique... "
She discussed a therapy technique that she thought would be useful, using computers and a biofeedback type system to help train the mind to control anxiety and to maintain healthy brainwaves. Unfortunately, the equipment is expensive, and requires training.
She said, "It's a new technique. Not many therapists are trained in it."
I asked how long it's been around. She replied, "Ten years."
I literally smacked myself in the forehead. Ten years is too late for so many of our troops. They need help now.
One young Marine that a friend of mine is helping lives in his truck and self medicates with alcohol between his therapy sessions. He's making no real progress and losing hope...
The recent articles about Walter Reed have brought this issue to the forefront, but it's not going away soon. The conventional therapies and techniques used can work for people, but they are often expensive, time consuming, and are too little too late for our troops. Our Marine friend needs more help than he's getting.
While we'll make no claims to "cure" anyone outright, we plan to provide techniques to help people make a positive difference in their lives right away. The healing power is within us all.
To your healing,
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Hydrate Or Die!
I bought one several years ago for bike riding and hiking, and loved the convenience of having a drink of water always available. I drink a lot of water. All of us need to drink water to keep our bodies working effectively. The slogan is true. If you don't drink water, you will die.
In a similar fashion, we need to drink spiritually as well. We need to soak in the human feelings of being connected, appreciated, understood, and loved.
Unfortunately, many coming home from the war have been parched for so long, that it's difficult for them to return to those emotions. The safe thing to do in a war seems to be to shield yourself, and to be tough. Hard things have to be done. Trauma and anxiety result.
I don't know if you could imagine how refreshing it would be to start to drink in those loving feelings after wandering around in the desert for months. Think about it. How nice would it be to have that love returning, and filling you up with light from your toes all the way to the top of your head.
Once you've been filled with love, it's always easier to give love to those around you. Sometimes people have guilt and difficulty forgiving themselves for things that have happened. Forgiveness of yourself is the valve that allows the love to flow back into your life.
Forgive yourself first, and move forward from there.
To your healing!
Saturday, March 3, 2007
I Cried Like A Baby!
I encourage you to watch it, enjoy the music, and then read my reaction/thoughts below...
The video and message is about everyone's need for a human connection.
It starts with the man standing alone, offering Free Hugs, but being ignored, avoided and even challenged about his position. But soon, the ice breaks, and he begins to share his hugs, people join him in giving hugs, and joy, peace, acceptance and love follow...
That itself touched me, but as I thought about our returning veterans, I drew parallels that really did bring me to tears. Lucky for me, I had my Kleenex nearby and no one in the house.
I sobbed as I thought of our soldiers, who have returned home, and now, even when in a crowd, feel different and alone. I thought of the despair that they must feel as they attempt to go about their daily lives surrounded by people who don't understand them, their thoughts, and their fears.
I thought about the people struggling to make it through the day with their anxiety, depressions, and desperate circumstances...
And then I thought of how we intend to help. Give love, acceptance, and support to those in need. Provide them with the understanding that they are not alone. People understand them and what they are going through. People want to help, and metaphorically as well as physically will welcome them home into open arms.
Imagine how we can take those veterans and envelop them in love, help them work through their issues and send them on their way stronger, standing taller, and smiling.
This drawing from a talented young artist, Rebecca Jacobson, show the feelings involved, and I can identify with it in so many ways.

To Your Healing,
Friday, March 2, 2007
Will The Army Pay Up?
Living on disability is not much of a living, particularly if you have a family to support.
Much of the stress involved in the situation is from troops trying to argue with the military to get fair compensation and treatment for their issues.
An article on Axis of Logic really goes into some depth in the subject:
Indeed, the Army's system for allocating disability pay to traumatized vets is another source of their frustration and anger. An Army panel at Walter Reed, called the Physical Evaluation Board, decides what percentage of income each soldier should get from the military to compensate him if he is too ill to serve any longer. The doctors decide whether wounds are combat related, and then the board decides how much disability the Army will pay. The board's decision is critical for soldiers trying to make a living after leaving the Army with what can be a debilitating mental condition. Fighting with the hospital about disability pay is a source of considerable stress just as these soldiers are trying to heal their minds.
Some of the soldiers are fighting decisions by the board at Walter Reed. Out of the 14 soldiers interviewed, five have left Walter Reed. Three ended up getting zero percent of their income as disability pay, despite what they said was serious mental stress that made it more difficult or impossible to work. Even those who got a third of their pay still had trouble making ends meet. (In every case I followed, the Department of Veterans Affairs made a later determination that the soldiers deserved more. The soldiers can choose to take the higher percentage of pay from the V.A., but in some cases if they do so, they must pay back what they have received so far from the Army.)
This exact situation happening to a soldier who couldn't go back to work because of PTSD is what inspired us to start working on this project.
To your healing!
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Heads Will Roll
In a brief announcement, the Army said service leaders had "lost trust and confidence" in Weightman's leadership abilities "to address needed solutions for soldier outpatient care" at Walter Reed.
"A bedrock principle of our military system is that we empower commanders with the responsibility, authority and resources necessary to carry out their mission," said Defense Secretary Robert Gates. "With responsibility comes accountability."
If you read the articles, the issue wasn't with the severly injured soldiers... They were getting good medical care. It's the soldiers who weren't critical who were left to fend for themselves, even if their injuries were debilitating.
The focus of our program is to care for these troops that are suffering mentally from PTSD, anxiety or other combat stress related issues. The ones who don't need critical care, but who still need help.
Keep watching and keep sending your stories and ideas. Let us know how we can help YOU personally.
To your healing!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Nobody Likes A Quitter!
Fight it out, get tough, work through it.
I joked with a First Sergeant today about quitting his tobacco habit, and his response was, "Nobody likes a quitter!" Funny at the moment, yes, but it underscores the military mindset that often keeps our soldiers in a bad situation.
They may have a problem with PTSD or Anxiety. They may have difficulty sleeping, nightmares, or impulsiveness, but they get tough. They "deal with it" in the best way that they know how. They self medicate, with alcohol or drugs trying to numb the pain.
It's self destructive, yet many still fall into this trap.
How do we help them? How do we inspire them to help themselves? How do we help them find the resources they need to get help?
We're compiling resources to help.
To your healing!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Are You Rolling Your Eyes At Me?
In this case, a theraputic technique called "eye movement desensitization and reprocessing", or EMDR is being taught to 25 counselors from around the state of New Mexico.
I've heard good reports from a doctor and some other therapists who have used the technique to help people. We'll explore more about EMDR in the future.
For today, enjoy this PTSD article from Albuquerque!
To your Healing,
Monday, February 26, 2007
The System Can't Handle It
The article states that "Many Iraq war soldiers, veterans and their families are not getting needed psychological help because a stressed military's mental health system is overwhelmed and understaffed."
"The findings were released Sunday by the American Psychological Association.
More than three out of 10 soldiers met the criteria for a "mental disorder," but far less than half of those in need sought help, the report found. Sometimes that's because of the stigma of having mental health problems, other times the help simply wasn't available, according to the task force. And there are special difficulties in getting help to National Guard and Reserve troops, who have been used heavily in Iraq, the report said.
The special task force found no evidence of a "well-coordinated or well-disseminated approach to providing behavioral health care to service members and their families."
I encourage everyone to read the article and see what we're facing. Our program will allow people to seek help at home, on their own terms. Trauma, anxiety, and other PTSD related issues need to be treated.
To your Healing,
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Don't Forget to Breathe!
It seems like breathing shouldn't be anything worth talking about, since everyone does it...
The problem is that many people breathe shallow breaths, and keep their upper body constricted. Deep breaths can be cleansing, and help you to relax.
When people are upset, angry, or afraid, their breathing is usually shallow, rapid, and maybe even a little noisy. When people are relaxed, their breathing is deep, slow, and quiet.
Just taking a few deep breaths can help you to feel a little less stress in your day. Every hour or two throughout your day, just take a few deep breaths and you should notice a positive difference.
There is a lot written about breathing properly and the benefits that it will bring to your life. A good first step is to simply to be aware of your breathing, and to strive to take a few deep breaths throughout your day.
To your health!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Freezing Rain, a Flute, and an Oboe
What did I learn? And how will it help you?
I learned that focusing on a specific goal and chasing after it will get things accomplished, although not without some trouble along the way.
The children had come from out of town in haste to the funeral, and having them play during the services was an afterthought.
After waiting for someone to return a call for a few hours, I finally started calling other folks to find the desired instruments. I finally found the music supply company that rented them, but they were on the other side of town and closed in only thirty minutes.
I drove quickly... Maybe a little too quickly, and made it at 4:02, with locked doors and no one in sight. Even though they knew I was coming, and why, the door was locked and the phones weren't being answered. Irritated, but determined, I stood outside the door and waited for a few minutes, hoping to catch the attention of anyone trying to leave...
Finally, someone did come into sight, and answered the door when I knocked... To make a long story short, I was pleasant and persistant and they loaned the instruments to me for free. As I left I gave them a tip to cover dinner. Since I delayed them... ;-)
Freezing rain started falling, and snow shortly followed. I made it home, but the roads were becoming a slippery mess.
Why is this relevant to you?
It could be that you need some help. Perhaps it's not easy to get someone to return your calls, or live up to their committments. You may have to seek out your own solution, and doggedly pursue it.
Keep doggedly pursuing us too! The comments that we've received so far have been insightful, and are well appreciated. Let us know what you'd like to see. Email Mike at to share what you'd like to see and how we can help.
To your Healing,
Friday, February 23, 2007
Desperation Leads To Devastation
Poor decisions lead to poor results.
How do we take the stress, or underlying issue, and remove its "charge?"
How do we take away the ability of these issues to damage our lives?
There are several methods to defuse the emotional time bombs inside of us. People swear by a variety of techniques. E.F.T., N.L.P., Hypnosis, E.M.D.R., music therapy, and other techniques have all been used with good results for people suffering from stress, anxiety, or other traumas.
After we deal with this current situation, we'll continue putting our program together.
In the mean time, keep sending in those comments.
The ones that I've received so far have been helpful.
To your healing,
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Three this year.
Another one of my friends has passed away, probably by her own choice.
I've lost three friends in the last 12 months. While that is sad for them and for me, I feel worse for their families who have to adjust to living without a father or a mother.
Trauma, Stress, and Hopelessness helped propel my friends to an early end.
I mourn their loss. I was living hundreds of miles away from each of them, and while I knew that they were under stress, I didn't think they would hurt themselves.
Suicide is a choice that hurts the ones around you.
If you ever think of committing suicide, Don't do it! Call for help and let someone know what you're thinking. Get the help you need.
The program is designed to help people heal from stress, trauma, anxiety and hopelessness.
Stick around, it's worth the wait.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Rundown buildings are bad, but the broken system for managing our healing and recovering veterans is almost beyond comprehension.
The sad thing is that I know that the vast majority of the folks working there want to do the right thing, but the system is broken.
That's why we're putting this program together. There is no way the government will be able to help everyone that needs the help. Only the worst cases will get the intensive help, while many others will suffer silently.
We intend to help.
To your healing,
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
What's the Inspiration?
Several of those friends have gone to Iraq or Afghanistan and returned with some horrific stories.
The soldier killed in the ambush.
The truck in front that suddenly exploded.
The men who blocked a VBIED and sacrificed their lives to protect their buddies.
The stories are full of heroism, valor, and also pain.
Even if they weren't physically injured, they saw their friends bleeding, or blown apart.
They feel the guilt that survivors often do, questioning why it happened, why they survived, or if they could have changed the outcome.
I was inspired to create this program to help heal them.
I'm working with a team of professionals to find solutions that can be used at home, privately.
To your healing,
Monday, February 19, 2007
"They think the soldier comes home, and it's over... But it's not over."
The time has come to welcome home our fighting men and women.
A gift is being prepared to help welcome them home.
Anxiety is a constant companion for many who have spent time in a combat zone. After months of living in a constantly changing, often threatening environment, your mind and body is often reeling from the stress.
Months of constant alertness have taken a toll, and it’s difficult to let down your guard. It’s tough to relax and reconnect with family and friends.
How do you reintegrate back into your family life?
How do you overcome the stress of a combat tour?
Combat affects our veterans long after the bullets have stopped flying. The physical battles may be over after returning home from war, but the mental ones are just beginning.
Not everyone is diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, (PTSD), but most still carry anxiety and stress around with them.
Studies show that a third of soldiers returning from Iraq sought mental health services. The demand for services is greater than the supply. Long waiting lists are common.
This is a place to share your story, and to find help where needed.
Do you feel tense, angry, or depressed?
Are you “on edge” much of the time?
Do you have trouble sleeping?
Do you have memories that bother you?
The new Reintegration Program is designed to help you:
Reduce your levels of anxiety and fear.
Increase your emotional control and decrease inappropriate aggressiveness
Desensitize yourself to traumatic memories.
Smoothly rejoin your life at home.
This professionally designed program will be ready for release soon.
Sign up to be notified when it's available for free download.